Thursday, 16 April 2009

(study) BREAK!

it's the one-week holiday and i'm suppose to be studying. i've got 3 mid-sem papers coming up next week. urgh.. just that thought alone will kill all the joy i get from sleeping in. but still.. i made sure i enjoyed my break.. while i could. mahjong(which has become one of my favourite pastimes), watching shows and shopping! haha.

wednesday was probably the best day of the week because i was all ready to shop me heart out. arranged to meet pow at habour town in the morning but he overslept. saw some shoes that i 'kiv-ed' for later but didn't have to chance to go back because i was starving by the time he came. went to northbridge for tim sum.. which didn't exactly went very well. our verdict: ultimate 'car bang'. their mango pudding didn't even have any mango la.. so golden century wins hands down. *still, thanks for the treat.* took the train to cannington.. (sounds familar?) yea.. we're going to carousel. yippee! surprisingly, i didn't spend much there. only things i bought were mrs doubtfire dvd, a pair of kids trackpants from k-mart and shampoo that was on offer at coles. there were things that i wanted to buy.. but pow said to kiv them. but again, i never got back to them because the plan was to go home and watch mrs doubtfire. had a real bad headache on the way back.. probably due to the lack of sleep, erm.. or maybe because i woke up too early. mrs doubtfire didn't materialise due to some technical difficulties.. so we watched mall cop instead. it's the only recent new release that i've seen in a while. give me till next week.. then i'll tell you what i think about x men origin:wolverine. heh!

today was a girl's day out with yuk and ei jean. drove to garden city. (:  i finally saw a pair of boots that i like which actually looks nice on me.. pity it wasn't on offer. even more surprisingly, i totally didn't buy anything today! but that's mostly because it didn't fit or it was just too expensive. garden city was humungous! more 'atas' stuff than carousel. but i can't decide which i like better. haha.

oh well.. it's back to hitting the books now. you might not hear from me till next friday. 

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