ikea meatballs.. (:
things are much easier now that i've got a microwave at home. pop the frozen meatballs in and they'll be ready in 3 minutes. yay. the sauce needs some cooking though. the past week was alright. mostly mugging for my ex-phys (exercise physiology) mid semester exam and er.. mahjong. the paper was surprising easy.. *grin*. now i'm just left with econs and biomechanics and neuroanatomy after the easter break. hmmm.. now that i've mentioned, it's alot to cover in one week. (!!!)
hongwei's parents are here for the week..
i love it when we have visitors. (:
my easter present to myself. HAH!
hope everyone is having a wonderful easter back home. i miss easter drama and all the busyness during this season. this easter wasn't the best i had.. but still i'm as thankful for the work He's done on the cross. it's because of this that i gave up the fight and surrendered 8 years ago.
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