Saturday, 18 April 2009

seafood galore

took this picture early one morning in the city.. i think it was the morning i went harbour town. i've never been to the city so early before and suddenly i see all these trucks and lorries loading goods. haha! that's their loading/unloading bay.. right smack in the middle of the road. and mind you.. this isn't the road for cars. it's the only other time i've seen cars drive in other than the floats during prosh.

anyway, it's been a great 8 days with hongwei's parents around. on their last night here, they asked me along for dinner at freo. and goodness, they were generous man! 

wahhh.. this got me excited.

 bbq lobster ad seafood platter.

the oysters are so fresh i could eat 10 of them! (:

we also ordered fish & chips and prawns. heh heh. hongwei and i sent his parents to the airport this morning.. man, another week just flew by. it feels as though time is in a mad rush against itself. here i am trying to take it slow and allowing myself to slack a little.. but no, everytime i look at the calender on my wall, i want to bang my head against it. sigh.. so much for the 'slow pace of life' i get here in australia.

oh.. i got myself an early birthday present. HAHA!

thank you papu and mamu!
(er.. and while i was at it, i bought 4 dvds too)

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