that's 'happy birthday' in french.
the day has come.. one i wonder to hate or love. adulthood welcomes me with open arms, or so they say. freedom and pleasures (or rather stresses) of life awaits.. what an adventure ahead. on the surface, one's 21st doesn't seem any different. but looking back at the memories of 'sweet 16th' and 'forever 18'.. yea, i'm proud to say i've grown. there sure is hell of a difference in the person i am then and now. by the way, this entry is going to be long... be warned.
my ex-colleagues did a mini surprise party for me.. t'was very kind of them to remember. cathy and frank was out hunting for a cheesecake but to no avail.. so they came back with a tiramisu. haha! there's no better way to celebrate than with k-ing (*kbox = singing). thanks cathy, for the wonderful arrangement.
a proper group photo. cathy combined the picture i previously because the 4 of us didn't take a picture together.. haha.
donut factory.. it was cathy's belated birthday present from me. back home.. still counting down, another celebration began.
beetroot juice. surprisingly, it was very good.
DIG IN! we were all late(as usual) so everyone's starving.. especially the girls. after hearing what they've gone through the whole day, i really appreciate their effort. (:
rum and champagne. cool uh?! all the way from 'awfully chocolate'.
beautiful lacoste golfball bag. you should have seen the size of its carrier. when suling took out the present, i almost went mad! (in a good way of course)
muah muah tea to go with the cake.. on the house.
check out their restrooms...
on the wall of my cubicle. this would definitely help when you're having constipation. i find it's a pretty good read.
strolling off to our next destination.. the girls agreed to catch a movie because i wanted to. haha! people do treat you nicer on your birthday. hadh didn't have a choice but to watch forbidden kingdom with us. the direct translations were seriously hilarious la.. 'the mountain of flower and fruit' plus the monkey god who has a ponytail. thank you, my ya-yas for the wonderful night!
lacoste bag and card from my favourite girls, ed hardy top from sisters, dorothy perkins top and furry card from cg, f.i.e clips & earring and card from xenia and kristine, cross necklace from joshua, card from cathy and priscilla, mont blanc bracelet from parents, audrey hepburn dvd collection from *ahem* yours truly (who says you can't get yourself a birthday gift).
a big thank you to everyone who made the mark of my existence so special. and to all the lovelies who sent their wishes.. thanks to you also. i did have a happy 21st birthday.