Wednesday, 28 May 2008

so many things, yet so little time. and briefly it goes...

came back.. but left for japan real quick. finally got to meet the latest addition to the ng family.. koh yee! her birthday is a day before mine, what a honour. there was a little celebration for her first birthday.

at T3. just really like this shot.. no reason.

class outings.. yea, there have been several. it's no new revelation that i'm old.. i'm only thankful that the current bunch is an active one.

our latest activity.. rock climbing.
serene and gabriel. belaying is no easy job.

ngiap and alex went first.

jois and alex at it again. she's a strong girl.. see her over take alex? haha.

barker boy demanded for his photo to be taken.

my final try at the left wall. you can't imagine how hot the grips were.

finally did it.. at the expanse of my poor finger. had loads of help from serene.. guiding and pushing (or in this case, "pulling".. literally) me all the way.