Thursday, 24 April 2008

dreadful exams have come and gone. studying can be very enriching and fun.. only if you have the time. after only 4 modules, it's really starting to tire me out having to sit for a major exam every 6 weeks. i'm stronger physically than i am mentally, so if the situation was a big game every 6 weeks of training.. i wouldn't be whining. but please spare me from the clutches of such mind-terrorizers. thus, i've been thinking.. and working out a plan. i'm still trying to figure it out but it'll be good.

pardon my diversion, couldn't help it. paper today wasn't that bad. there were some perks that came with it.. hee! (sorry, i'm diverting again.) a slight confusion and a small fright just before the paper lead to our first conversation.. haha. if only hadh was around!

i'm looking forward to the next module already. gym sessions every saturday.. how fun! now i have a wonderfully valid reason to buy my adizero running shoes.