Sunday, 10 May 2009


to my dearest mamu:

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! this is probably the only one day every year that i'll be on my best behaviour. washing all the dishes in the sink, (try to) pack my room so it looks a tad neater, buying you flowers, treating you to a nice dinner.. basically be at your beck and call. whilst i do it consciously to make you feel like a queen on this special day, you've unconsciously been doing the same for me all other 364 days of the year and for that, there just isn't enough thank-yous in the world to express my gratitude.

yea.. there's definitely the share of complaints, whines and flares of temper from you now and then (honestly, who wouldn't? when there's 3 spoilt princesses in the house), but you're still always so willing to do whatever you can to give us the best. all these years, you've sacrificed so much into my life and i know there's really no point in telling you to stop worrying because i guess that's what all mothers do. still, don't worry about me here. you've taught me the importance of self-love, hard work and sensitivity, which i will always keep in mind. lastly, i really really love you mummy.. and i miss you so much! thank you for being the best mummy around. *muacks*

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