Wednesday, 29 April 2009


my first birthday away from home was... well, not that bad after all. thank you to all my wonderful mates in perth. and of course to my lovelies back in singapore.. and sweden. haha. dear ya-yas, i miss you girls like crazy.. so thanks for the skype session and all your updates.

econs mid sem ended on friday (24 Apr). with regards to that.. erm, i think i'll just leave it alone first. dinner treat that evening from pow.. we tried some chinese restaurant at northbridge. it cannot be compare to what you lucky folks are sick and tired of back in singapore but it works for me. especially since i haven't had kangkong in so long.. that was my favourite dish among all we ordered. i think i ate 2/3 of the plate.

daren, hongwei, yukiko, eijean, chu xuan and nicholas got me a real sweeeeet present. A COOKBOOK!

STOMP! i've been looking forward to this since mid sems were over. 

very nice stage setup and fantastic performance. there was no photography allowed.. but i snapped this shot before the lady told us. heh. i didn't used to think much of the hype about stomp but having seen them, they're really great entertainment. it's fun to see what they can do with everyday things. 

thursday.. suburb late night shopping. doh was such a sweet thing to drive me to garden city like he promised. (:  i wasn't feeling too good about the state of my bank account, so i didn't really shop. we tried the crepes that looked absolutely delicious.. and it tasted like heaven. to me at least. pow, who ate crepes for the first time, thinks it's no big deal because "it's just pancakes". !?@#$%

hee.. pretty looking things make me happy.

hongwei gave me a quick tour around claremont quarter on tues. it's some new and up-coming shopping mall in claremont. looks huge.. i think it can fight with carousel when it's completed. oh.. i spotted nine west and FCUK there! spotted some sweet discounts while window-shopping. went back on sunday after much struggle with myself.. but nothing went well that day. the stuff that i liked, either sold already or no size. hmpf! i wore my boots out though... that made me slightly happy.

sorry about the infrequent updates. since last week, i have an assignment due every week till end of the month. so i might seem a little unreachable.. promise to post again soon.

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