Thursday 2 October 2008

sister.. i love and miss!

random post:

dajie is far away in sweden.. it's times like this when i really miss her! although i get irritated in her finding great amusement to bully me, i know she really loves me. now there's only the-awaken-doll, msn, skype and the not-so-regular phonecalls to keep in contact with her.

just chatted with her on msn while i'm in office. and she made me cry.. with her words. thanks dajie.. i felt much better. really cannot ask for a more wise and loving sister. it's only 8 weeks and i feel she's been gone for the longest time already. i want her to come back soon.. together with my purple/blue/black tartan leggings. thankyou you! (:

time to get back to work. (emily.. come back soon)