Saturday 4 October 2008

retail therapy

went for yet another retail therapy and this session is not cheap. ): but the pleasure and comfort it brings.. sigh, how to not succumb? yea.. you didn't read wrongly, it's "yet another". previously bought 4 dresses and a skirt from emily. shades and a dress from forever21. then there was tanks and flip-flops from cotton on and leggings from topshop/dorothy perkins. now it's city plaza..

green skinnys. (YAY!!)

oh, there's another dress but i'll keep that for another time.

i shared with dajie about my slightly compulsive behaviour and promised to 'show' her my buys. so yea.. here's what i wore to church today.

my new buys:
cotton on top (it's only $5 la)
shades from f21

it's building fund season and pastor shared about getting out of debt. he shared one verse in the bible that went, "stupid people spend money as fast as they get it". then pastor told us to turn to our neighbour and say "he's not talking about me". rickson was on my left and he told me i got the guilty look (hmpf!). i admit i'm spending more because i have an extra source of income. however, i'm not stupid. i do set aside a sufficient amount for various things and i do budget when i shop. but yeah.. building fund again. time for breakthrough.

oh, i saw cheryl after service and i told her i've been wanting to buy one of her checkered dresses. she'll bring it for me next week. hmmm, last one.. i promise! (: