Thursday, 15 December 2011

back to perth-day 7

last day in perth.. you can imagine the sadness in me. but still, there's lots to do.. need to go northbridge(aka chinatown) and buy stuff. so no real agenda for today.. more like "errands" day.

pow met up with his friends for dimsum in the morning while i packed my stuff. we were suppose to meet at northbridge after that but i felt unwell on the way to meet him. it was a slight gastric working up because i didn't really ate a full breakfast, so we stopped by tak chee for chicken rice.

best chicken rice in perth, recommended by kinaun.

we ordered half a chicken..

after buying everything, we went to the city again. because we haven't actually seen all the new stuff that was up.

london court! my favourite place.

and look what was going on while we were there...

perth city always has these kind of cool stuff.

yup, so the road works are finally complete. and there's just a picture of me in front of the newly renovated road, with a huge cactus monument.

dinner plans was actually ciao italia.. but we were really dreading the queue. plus jean wasn't feeling well so we ended up ta bao-ing back.
my all-time favourite: ciao italia fettucini and mariana risotto.

and of course their TIRAMISU!!!

we went to get san churros again because jean has some 1-for-1 offer. (:


so that wraps up my last day in perth. of course i bought stuff again as usual.. who can resist last minute shopping. seriously, there's so many things to buy in australia. so many stuff that singapore don't carry... anyway, here's my haul on my final day!

so the next day, dear jean kindly gave us a lift to the airport. we reached super early so we sat at dome to kill some time.

goodbye perth...

and hello singapore.

this trip has been awesome! it wasn't a real holiday kind of trip but i just love returning to perth. these are definitely some of the best memories of my life and perth will always have a special place in my heart.

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