Sunday, 29 August 2010

city to surf 2010

woke up bright and early today for CITY TO SURF! pow, jerry and i are joining the 12km run. and like the name of the event suggests... we're running from the city to the beach.
assembly point at 9am.

runner 19158 : jerry

runner 19174 : pow

and of course me.. runner 19168.

trucks = bag deposit
because the start and end point isn't the same..
so they will drive our belongings to city beach.

interesting people in perth...

and we're finally reaching the start..

slope... or should i say slopes.

the weather may be nicer to run in... but the number of slopes we had to climb doesn't make it any easier.

see all the people running at the back.. they're cheating! we stuck to the designated path.

last 100m.. the end is near.

yes yes yes!

finishers! (:

really happy that pow ran with me.. thanks dear!

free powerade.
i'm singaporean.. so just take lor. pow took 3 bottles ok.

carnival area.

since we're all the way at city beach.. we decided to go for a walk.

good thing about the event is that they provide free transport.. back to the starting point at least.
crowd waiting for the free shuttle back to city.

i'm a little burnt.. at the shoulders and back of the neck. probably due to the string of outdoor events this weekend. oh, i haven't mentioned... friday was ultimate with the HM(human movement)-ers, saturday was sand surfing at lancelin and then city to surf today. yea.. i think i almost killed myself from exhaustion. photos from lancelin will be up soon.. it's just taking a while because i might have spoiled my camera and i'm emo-ing about it. stupid fine sand at lancelin... jammed my camera lens!!! ): but besides that, it was really fun. let's pray that my camera can be fixed.

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