raisa and chun chong suggested dinner at tao's restaurant for daddy's belated birthday celebration on monday night. always saw the ad on tv but haven't actually tried it. they both gave very good reviews about the place and their extremely hospitable service. one of their staff, frankie, was really attentive. maybe because he recognise raisa and chun chong thus he was so kind as to give us 5 COMPLIMENTARY DISHES OUT OF THE 7!! i was really touched. the 7-course meal was quite alot, according to raisa. so out plan was to just order 4 sets to share among the 5 of us. in the end, we had 5 sets of everything except the beverage and main entree. i'll definitely be back here again.. not for any complimentary dish but because i'm very pleased with the food. for someone like me who eats alot.. 7-course meal is good. hahaha! we all got to choose what we wanted so we ordered mostly different stuffs to try. this might make your mouth water.. are you ready?
bacon and mushroom gratin.
and some orange ice-blend thingy. haha.. it's nice and refreshing la
i must say, the gratin is fantastic. it's kind of like a spread for the bread.. and they go really well together. i can even just eat the gratin on its own la!
my smoked salmon salad. (raisa and daddy ordered this too.)
it's really good.. salmon with veges. nice combi.
prawn roll with pork floss (chun chong)

i don't remember what this is called.. but i love love love it!
because i'm a big fan of mushrooms.. all types of mushrooms!
my iced tropical grapefruit tea.
i love the cup la.. so cute.
iced grape mellow tea (raisa)
iced rose apple tea (daddy)
i really like this one.. although mummy complains it's too sweet.
but apple and rose, such a nice combi.. if you know how to appreciate la.
double-boiled shark's fin melon soup (daddy)
all the soups were nice. can't really choose a favourite because the flavours are very different. but you do get what they say you'll get. the pumpkin soup was nice and creamy, the double-boiled was really clear and the fish consumme.. just taste awesome.
main entrees:
my baked atlantic flounder with CHEESE. (:
lovely dish.. fish is fresh and cheese is delicious!
spicy stingray (daddy)
really quite spicy.. but i think pow will like. haha!
tao's grilled jumbo chicken leg (mummy)
tao's oven roasted steak (chun chong)
one of the rare places where i think the steak served is good.
not chewy at all.. literally will melt in your mouth. i'll probably get this next time.
cheesecake (mummy)
i know it looks pathetically small.. but after eating so much, that slice is just perfect.
brownie with ice cream (chun chong)
creme brulee (raisa)
i thought my tiramisu wasn't that bad. it's just the way i like it.. not too much alcohol taste. the creme brulee too.. or maybe it's just because i like to crack into it. haha.
then, frankie came with our 'cake' and we surprised daddy. come, everybody sing song! (:
frankie prepared yam ice cream.. with poached pear. complimentary too!
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