Monday, 30 March 2009


curry chicken was on the menu on thursday..
this was REALLY hard work.

not bad eh.. i would say so myself. (:

but i left it to cook while i showered. in the end.. the curry dried up. HAHA! well, hongwei said if it was a stir-fry dish, then it was a huge success. 

sunday was fun. we played paintball! pow, daren, valentine, aaron, shim, tiong, john, jerry, hongwei and i.. 10 people in total and we activated 3 cars.

this is a random photo. i just like to take pictures of clouds. 

oh oh.. we passed by plenty of stables/riding schools along the way. i was quite excited to see the horses. and there were even sheeps and cows too! (:

we got lost while finding the place.. 

and finally...

hur hur.

end groupie.

aaron spotted wintermelons growing outside the premise.
(i think they're wintermelons.. if not watermelons. whichever la.)

home sweet home.

1 comment:

slegna said...

cool! Alvin went to play laser-quest this week... haha! So... was the mask smelly???