congratulations to beloved ms lee on the arrival of her beautiful daughter on 7th november. super tiny baby.. only 2.57kg at birth. ms lee(oh, mrs yap actually.. but i know her as ms lee so i'll just stick with that) is my all-time favourite teacher. she's really awesome in so many ways as my CT. next to my girls, she's probably the best thing that happened to me during my retainee year. most should know i have a really HUGE soft spot for children(and babies for that matter), and wei xin is undoubtedly the cutest baby i've seen this year. SUCH A PRETTY! really happy to see ms lee and mr yap start their little family.. finally. i always felt a tad guilty for asking ms lee to postpone any such plans during my A level year. hahaa.. but she did stick it through with us and i am forever grateful for all she has done for 05s29.. and me. (: