Monday, 8 December 2008

(very slow) finisher of 42.195km!

my first ever marathon. it was dreadful!! but that's my fault because i barely trained. after i registered, i still ran occasionally. then the past 2 months, i totally didn't make the effort to run.. due to work and some stuff. the most common thing i hear about marathons is that it's more of a mental game rather than a physical one. but for me.. it's more physical than mental. my legs gave way before i even came to the half-way mark. thank you gabriel for 'leaving no man behind'. really couldn't do it without his company and encouragement. once again, thanks bro! it's still an experience.. just a rather horrid one. but still can get quite high.. especially when i 'ran' across the finish line. oh, saw quite a few people along the way. well, mostly because they overtook me.. haha. saw frank, tzehui, wenrui, wilson and slyvia(fellow rafflesian.. whom i didn't recognise until we stared at each other for 5 seconds). saw kiewu along the way too.. he was helping out. there was a middle-aged couple that we chatted with along the way.. because the lady's legs were cramping too. i think it's very sweet to try to do a marathon together with someone special.. even if it hurts like hell. guess it's just for the experience.. like the lady said, "do it once and for all".

end of the day.. i did managed to achieve what i set out to do, get the finisher tee. (:

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