holiday seasons can be quite a bummer because of jammed up streets and shopping malls. one reason to be happy about all this is the good movies that will be screening. you can only have such a selection during holidays...
there's also red cliff 2! and AUSTRALIA. these are the ones i'm looking forward to for now.
body of lies wasn't exactly a blast. but madagascar 2 made up for it. i love king julien.. such a ball of enthusiasm("raise your arms, maurice. it's more fun if you raise your arms like this! ahaha") and so ever confident about himself("which of you is attracted to me?").. although he's slightly delusional("maurice, i think they like me!") and not very sensitive("oh shut up, you're so annoying."). he's a master with words("shame on you maurice! do you not see that you have insulted the freaks?!").. so that impresses me. i want him as my pet, then he can make me laugh everyday("hohoho.. oh i like laughing, it's such a nice experience.. to laugh. hahaha.") just by talking to himself. ("mmm, very nice. thank you for your sacrifice." "please, have another sacrifice." "no, i've had enough for the day." "please now, i'm going to be very insulted unless you have another" "I DON'T WANT ANOTHER SACRIFICE OK?!" "look at you, you look skinnny") hee.. i love watching king julien.
this one is worth watching too. i don't think it's showing in singapore.. caught this one online. awesome! i like 'true story' films. the story has got to be somewhat fantastic for people to want to make a movie out of it.

movie date anyone?

movie date anyone?