Tuesday, 18 November 2008


词:方文山 曲:周杰伦

兰亭临帖 行书如行云流水
月下门推 心细如你脚步碎
忙不迭 千年碑易拓却难拓你的美
真迹绝 真心能给谁

牧笛横吹 黄酒小菜又几碟
夕阳余晖 如你的羞怯似醉
摹本易写 而墨香不退与你共留余味
一行朱砂 到底圈了谁

无关风月 我题序等你回
悬笔一绝 那岸边浪千叠
情字何解 怎落笔都不对
而我独缺 你一生的了解

(无关风月我题序等你回 悬笔一绝那岸边浪千叠
情字何解怎落笔都不对 而我独缺你一生的了解
无关风月我题序等你回 悬笔一绝那岸边浪千叠
情字何解怎落笔都不对 独缺你一生了解)

弹指岁月 倾城顷刻间烟灭
青石板街 回眸一笑你婉约
恨了没 你摇头轻叹谁让你蹙着眉
而深闺 徒留胭脂味

人雁南飞 转身一瞥你噙泪
掬一把月 手揽回忆怎么睡
又怎么会 心事密缝绣花鞋针针怨对
若花怨蝶 你会怨着谁

无关风月 我题序等你回
悬笔一绝 那岸边浪千叠
情字何解 怎落笔都不对
而我独缺 你一生的了解

无关风月 我题序等你回
手书无愧 无惧人间是非
雨打蕉叶 又潇潇了几夜
我等春雷 来提醒你爱谁

this is absolutely my favourite song right now. i think the lyrics are beautifully awesome, don't you? 方文山 is really a genius, if only my language was stronger then i'll be able to fully appreciate its meaning. such things are what interest me during chinese literature tutorial back in jc days. yea.. i took chinese 'A' but only for 6 months before i decided to drop it. the language portion was quite a drag.. mainly because i don't like the teacher. my literature teacher, on the other hand, is wonderful. she makes me feel passionate about the chinese culture and language, just like how ms goh inspires me in chemistry. i would love to travel all over china someday, to see all the people and places. people always label me as 'jia kantang'.. but my mandarin isn't that bad what. i'm proud to say i'm effectively bilingual (or i hope i am). well.. at least i know one person who thinks that way.