Wednesday, 4 June 2008

super sized

as most of you know, i'm currently doing a health and fitness module. there's one lecture where we watch 'super size me'.. well, watched portions of it due to the lack of time. it aired on arts central on sunday and i re-watched it. man, the americans are seriously out of hand. oh, they already had mcgriddles during the time of filming.. which was in 2003.

it's absurd what fast-foods, or in this case mcdonald's, can do to you and morgan spurlock proved it. he's the man behind the documentary film. you should see it for yourself if you haven't already watched it. the experiment does seem very unfair and outrageously unrealistic but it's still quite an insight. a comment made in the movie really struck me.. why is it that we can tell a smoker off so easily but when we see an obese person, we don't think their severe weight problem is an issue. we holler at a smoker, "don't you know smoking is bad for you?!" and it seems so oblivious. however, to a grossly fat person, you don't see people telling them, "stop eating, you could kill yourself". everything has it's time i suppose.