Thursday, 17 April 2008

work no more

yesterday was my last day at ERA. it's been only 3 months but i've learnt loads. no work=no income.. so i'm quite sad. not going to miss the work and stress though.. haha. but the people.. yes, i'll miss dearly.

we shifted office last friday. real bad timing. it was my last week and we still had management fees to run.

accounts left already.. only some from the commission team were still here. blame it on encryption.

cathy's CPU. a result of annoying phonecalls from irritating agents.

this dinosaur is me.. so cathy says.

my work space. yea.. it's messy, you can tell how much work i had to do.

levonne and madeline

levonne's also called 'purple lady'.. it's obvious why.

cathy, heidi, priscilla and i were the last to clear up. sitting arrangement at the new office changed. priscilla won't be together with cathy and heidi.. it's going to be tough. even more so with a certain someone around (priscilla and cathy would know).

and finally.. my last day has come. didn't manage to take a picture with the whole commission team but here's just a few special mentions.

CATHY!! super fun girl. that's her classic look.. which reminds me of a hamster. she's like my favourite 'recess partner'.. ok, we're not in school but you get the idea. lucky i have her around.. she makes work alot more fun. our crappy conversations are extremely good de-stressors for me.. haha!

priscilla.. my 'tu di'. taught her everything i know (which really isn't alot, and quite incomplete in fact). we've stressed about management fees, rushed to run giro and get encryption done, prepared checking list, answered phone calls from trouble-maker agents (there were some nice and friendly ones la.. they won't a problem) and silently tolerated nonsense attitude from a certain someone. she amuses me the most when she answers the phone.. haha!

heidi. this lady can eat.. like really. she's munching something almost every 2 hours.. and when that happens.. we'll all start munching too. haa. she hates it when you pronouce her name wrongly.. (as in "hay-di"). she's the queen of rush. everyday she's busy. it's really quite remarkable how she does her work. i don't know what she does exactly, but according to cathy.. heidi does abit of everything. amazing eh?!

angel. the call centre. she's invisible woman.. technically. although she's on our team.. she sits with the useless pretty faces elsewhere. you'll only see her around after office hours. she's really an angel.. a small, pretty one. (:

and there's still levonne, madeline, frank and jerald(i didn't forget). many thanks to them for all the help especially when i first started.

a little something from the comm team. thanks girls!