Thursday, 3 April 2008

mind your own business

some things are bothering me. and i can't keep it in anymore.

rumour : a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts

having your own opinions and ideas are great, in fact, i really don't care what you think. don't go around assuming you know how things work just because you think you've heard or seen enough, because you really know nothing. good for you if you like to share your thoughts with random others but take into consideration to whom you're speaking to and more importantly, the relevance of what you're saying. i don't comprehend what pleasure or fulfillment you get from hearing people agree with the things you share but if such gratification is what you're seeking (or worse still, the only thing you seek).. then i say, screw you. honestly, just grow up and get a life. actually no, my advise would be.. stop existing and start living.

think i sound angry.. ya i am. but don't even bother asking.. just mind your own business!